The minimum age for entry is generally 19 years on Fridays and 21 years on Saturdays. Please always have valid identification ready to avoid any complications.
Individuals who are heavily intoxicated will be denied entry to our club. The possession and consumption of illegal drugs will be reported to the authorities without exception, resulting in an immediate ban from the premises.
To ensure the safety and comfort of all guests, the following items are strictly prohibited in our club:
Head coverings of any kind (e.g., hats, caps, helmets, hoods)
Weapons (e.g., knives, firearms, pepper spray, brass knuckles)
Food & beverages from outside
Illegal drugs
Explosives & hazardous materials (e.g., fireworks, flares, or any dangerous objects)

These restrictions follow a similar principle to air travel safety regulations—certain items simply cannot be brought into the club for security reasons.
Clothing, appearance, and behavior should align with the current guest structure. Exceptions to the entry criteria are made for special events such as costume or themed parties (e.g., Halloween). Our door staff is informed about the specifics and guidelines of each event on every opening day. It is essential to comply with the instructions of the door staff as we enforce our right of admission.
We want to emphasize that our admission personnel are instructed and explicitly directed by the management not to engage in an arbitrary or discriminatory selection of our guests based on their lineage, origin, nationality, gender, religious affiliation, or any other criteria deemed unacceptable in a free and democratic society. We adhere to the Equal Treatment Act. No guest will be discriminated against based on their ethnic background. For more information about the Equal Treatment Act, please refer to:
Complaints regarding unequal treatment should be addressed to the Equal Treatment Commission, 1020 Vienna, Leopold-Moses-Gasse 4/1/2,
or the Equal Treatment Commission, Senate III, Federal Ministry of Education and Women, Department IV/3, 1010 Vienna, Minoritenplatz 5. Further details can be found at:
For all personal designations, the chosen form applies to both genders
Albertina Passage Betriebs GmbH
FN 350005 p
Wipplingerstraße 33/6. OG
1010 Wien
Tel.: +43 676 9701545